Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. New Artist  Jesus, You Fill My Heart With A Song (track)  New Title 
 2. Greg Bostock  Jesus Fill Me  Take Me There 
 3. Greg and Glenda Bostock  Jesus Fill Me  Take Me There 
 4. Emma Kate Tobia  Fill, Fill, a Rún Ó (Return my Love) - sample  Aisling na nGael (An Irish Dream) 
 5. Emma Kate Tobia  Fill, Fill, a Rún Ó - sample  Aisling na nGael 
 6. Emma Kate Tobia  Fill, Fill, a Rún Ó - sample  Aisling na nGael 
 7. Floyd Robinson  Since Jesus Came Into My Heart   
 8. Bill Ury  Serving with the Heart of Jesus  iConnect Youth Congress 2008 
 9. Bill Ury  Serving with the Heart of Jesus  iConnect Youth Congress 2008 
 10. Doug Richardson  20030525 Doug Richardson Jesus:The Heart of Worship  Worship Series 
 11. Rev. Richard J. Vincent  The Emotional Life of Jesus: Possessing the Tender Heart of Christ  www.TheoCenTriC.com 
 12. Rev. Richard J. Vincent  The Emotional Life of Jesus: Possessing the Tender Heart of Christ  www.TheoCenTriC.com 
 13. Clyde McLennan  Our song shall be of Jesus  www.smallchurchmusic.com 
 14. Warren Hixson  Jesus Song  Untitled 
 15. The Sea Cliffs  The Jesus Song  Jolly Christmas EP 
 16. Rise  Sing a song for jesus  Through the son 
 17. Rise  Sing A Song for Jesus  Through The Son  
 18. Frederic Hand  Heart's Song  Heart's Song 
 19. The Gordon Beck Trio  With a Heart In My Song   
 20. Duke Ellington  I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart  The Incomparable Duke Ellington & His Orchestra 
 21. Chris Gebert & Chrisy Hughes  Song of My Heart   
 22. John Hart  I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart  Ken Parker Bubbles Archtop 
 23. Duke Ellington  I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart  The Incomparable Duke Ellington & His Orchestra  
 24. Chris Gebert & Chrisy Hughes  Song of My Heart   
 25. Al Williams III  Heart Song  Heart Song  
 26. Prince  Song of The Heart  Happy Feet OST   
 27. World Saxophone Quartet  I Let a Song Go Out of My Heart  World Saxophone Quartet Plays Duke Ellington 
 28. World Saxophone Quartet  I Let a Song Go Out of My Heart  World Saxophone Quartet Plays Duke Ellington 
 29. World Saxophone Quartet  I Let a Song Go Out of My Heart  World Saxophone Quartet Plays Duke Ellington 
 30. World Saxophone Quartet  I Let a Song Go Out of My Heart  World Saxophone Quartet Plays Duke Ellington 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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